Friday, June 12, 2009

couple. then & now

I think of this song a lot. I don't know why, I just like it a lot (obviously, being a 6kies song and all). Anyways, just wanted to post b/c it's how I'm feeling today. :)

just random thoughts that I have all the time, but no matter what, once you leave canada the first thing you start missing - and the thing you miss most often - is tim horton's. there are dunkin donuts in Korea, but dunkin is nothing compared to timmy's. just a thought. because, yeah, I do have a caffeine addiction (strangely enough, though, caffeine makes me sleepy).


  1. I dunno why i missed this posting of yours when there was a remark on Timmy's! lol i luv timmys too and i did miss Timmy's as well when i visited Korea like 2 yrs ago. Timmy's is basically a nonstop chatting place for me, cuz most of them are 24/7!!, which i really like it about, they're cozy and i luv the timbits. honey cruller my fave but they had this new kind called chocolate coconut or something, it so soo delich! but i guess it was just seasonal thing cuz i don't find them anywhere now sigh. (i have my affection on coconuts lols)

  2. OMG!
    I /love/ timbits. You know what else I obsess about is the macadamia nut brownies (or what were they called? I forget XP) but in the summer I used to have one of those and one of those berry yogurt things (why have I forgotten all the names? I used to be able to memorize everything on the menu) every morning. I also love the iced caps that taste nothing like coffee and the raspberry flavoured hot smoothies or whatever they were called (!!! I've seriously forgotten all the names gahhhhhXP)
    I hate how they make the best stuff as seasonal stuff. Like the gingerbread cookies near Christmas and the spring stuff they have in for like two weeks and then just have disappear to nowhere. lol I could talk for hours about donuts/timbits, I could possibly have a more detailed conversation about donuts than about jekki LOL (but don't take this seriously, it's not true! XD)
