Sunday, June 28, 2009

you will be remembered

edit: I wrote an entire (long) post for this, but for some reason the entire thing got deleted and I can't remember what I said in it. so. shortened version of my original post.

a tribute to mj: billie jean. I love this song. Even though MJ went through a lot in his life, his legacy will last. MJ: emperor of pop, will be remembered for a really, really, really long time.

I remember I wasn't exactly the nicest person ever when it came to talking about MJ, but it's sad how we all start regretting what we said once the person leaves. I heard once what he said about him having so many plastic surgeries because he hated how as he grew older he came to look more and more like his father - and I thought, he's been through a lot as a person as well as as a musician. He was a pioneer in the area of pop (as well has in pop culture as a whole), and no matter what, his legacy will last.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

qotd: what's on your playlist?

I change my playlist once a week, so I only have like 15 songs on my cellphone at a time. I recently bought a 2gb storage thing for my phone, but it seems useless because I just get rid of songs after a week. It's not that I get sick of them - it's just that I listen to my songs repeatedly so many times that after a week I just want to change everything. So for this week:
1. Let it Go (Fresh Boyz ft. Eunjiwon)
2. Things to go through in love (Kang Sung Hoon)
3. 참좋겠어요 (Jwalk) -how do you translate this?
4. 21c Our Love Story (Jwalk)
5. Kill Me (Eun Ji Won ft. Gilmi)
6. Smile Again (Sechs Kies)
7. Prayer (Sechs Kies)
8. This Love (Big Bang)
9. This Love (Maroon Five)

I have some other songs as well, but these are the ones I've been listening to repeatedly this week. It's been a while since I've had Smile Again on here, but I thought about how the lyrics seem /right/. If Sechs Kies ever reunited (if. if only. then I really wouldn't care /what/ they sang. I wouldn't even care if they decided to wear hanbok and sing Arirang, for godsake) and yes, that's just a thought I have in a corner of my head, even knowing that it's just a waste of my time - but anyways, if they ever did, then that's the song I'd want them to sing.

I don't normally put any non-6kies songs in there - other than the occasional Beatles song or otherwise, but I just felt like listening to This Love. I don't even like Kwon Jiyong - he's cheap and he stole someone else's name (>_< this feels extremely childish to say, but it's the truth) - but this is the one song of his that I'll listen to.

I've seen Maroon Five live - my friend used to call them Pink Four, but anyways, they weren't that bad. Their song lyrics just got stuck in your head and didn't leave for weeks at a time. Anyways, I saw them live at Canadian Idol nearly two years ago - I remember how I got tickets for sixty dollars on eBay because it was too hard to get them the right way (ie. through Ticketmaster) and never went again. I went then for Brian Melo - anyone know him? Yeah, I supported him a lot then. Went with Hamilton Loves Brian signs and he blew us a kiss during the break. And I used to lie down in bed and call for voting until voting ended, and it never went through because everyone was voting for him. That's not important, but anyways, he did become Canadian Idol that year. Isn't it time for Canadian Idol to start again this year? I don't even know who was out last year. Time goes so fast. Sigh.

Wait. I remember seeing on Wikipedia once that the 'kies' in sechs kies meant 'modification' and not 'crystal'. I was too lazy to mention/do anything about it at the time, but I went back on Wiki today and I can't find it. Anyone have any information? The 6Kies article has changed a little, I think, but I can't exactly tell what was changed - anyways.

curiousity has gotten the better of me. I must look this up.
Kies (der)
n. gravel, small stones and pebbles; grit, small rough granules or particles; pyrite, common sulfide mineral; money, currency

common sulfide mineral?
what the...?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

before 1n2d

... maybe I'm supposed to post an 'after' as well, but let's not.
it's okay though. ejw is always ejw.

waiting for ctp tmo :)

total random rambling because I'm too tired to go back to my books. extremely personal post without much to do, so yeah, skip if you feel the necessity to ://

while we're waiting for ctp, let's get some sunghoon stuck in our heads :P
Seriously, /all day long/ I was suffering (?xD) from sunghoon oppa's voice stuck in my head. When's he coming back from service? I wish he could get back soon and start his music again. sigh.

(EDIT: after checking izzru's blog:
yeah, I had a lot to say about those anti-sh people as well, just try to keep everything to myself if possible - but now that we've started anyways. What do you people /have/ with sunghoon?! I really don't get that 'rich snob' thing, and I don't get why people pick on jw's familial relations, and I don't get a lot of stuff people say about the 6kies boys. oh and I also wish people would just stay quiet about jj as well - what they just say before thinking becomes a scar in the hearts of fans. which of course such antis would be beyond thinking, but still. sigh)

Anyone know this kid? yeah, Lee Donghae from Super Junior. I always have liked him (my personal favourite from suju) but on youtube someone mentioned how sunghoon reminded them of donghae (or donghae reminded them of sunghoon, or something) and I just suddenly realised "omg! yes!". Of course Sunghoon's better, but maybe this is why I always held a preference for Donghae?

Lynx Adventure is out this week. I have no time at all for the next week and a half. When my exams are over I'll go to see (probably alone, for the first time in my life :'[ ). I just want to hear his voice in loud speakers. I went into the official Korean homepage, there's actually a lot of stuff with Jiwon in it (and Wang Seokhyeon as well). Except they keep introducing him as "eun choding", "eun jiwon of 1n2d", and the like. Which, the more and more I hear, gets /really/ on my nerves. It can't be helped, I guess, and I don't really hold any position on his choding character, but for some reason I cringe to myself every time it comes up. It's okay, I'll just remember him as Eun Jiwon of Sechs Kies. same person anyways. :/

oh, and the "yo dj pump this party" thing - he said it like more than ten times in today's episode(!). lol, his hair was really funny, but he looks okay when it's gelled or he wears a hat (lol, oppa, keep your hair to yourself until it grows out xD). I don't like 1n2d much (okay, making a fool of Kang Hodong is funny, but that's it) but I watch for oppa :/ Honestly, I had this "anti-jw" phase in May (after 5/5,,,sigh) but it's officially over now :D Anyways, the question is, did he have any idea what Yo DJ Pump This Party was?

lol. obviously not. I wasted ten minutes of my life thinking about it anyways though. Just for the sake of it. :D

hahahahahahahahahahahahahah -finally crazy;;

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I saw that a lot of people refer to this song as 'premonition' and things like that, but I'm not going to just because I like the sound of the word. (besides, 'premonition' sounds like the title of a horror movie or something. it probably is too, but I'm not interested in horror movies enough to know about that), anyways. Posting because of the Mt. Geumgang thing in come to play (sorry, this is the only thing that comes to mind when north korea is mentioned xD).

This video scares me. A lot. Why? Because it's so /quiet/. Of course that would be because it was North Korea, but Sechs Kies without fangirls makes no sense. Aside from that, yegam in itself makes me think (every single time I listen to it...and every day I listen to my entire soundtrack like ten times through) about how awesome you have to be to be able to stick such an awesome dance to such a not-danceish song. But the fact is that with 6kies, you can't even tell that it's not a dance song because they make it blend so well together. Sigh. I love them so much :)

I don't normally post non-6kies related things, but I realised today is Paul McCartney's birthday. Happy birthday to the macca, and long live the Beatles. For me, the Beatles are beyond what I could be a 'fangirl' of - they are true, timeless musicians that I have always respected, and will continue to respect. I just don't compare Sechs Kies to them because the Beatles take up a different space in my heart - they are just musicians that I look up to and respect. Anyways. Happy birthday to Paul McCartney (is he 67? I've lost count, but I think he was 64 in 2006).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

come to play

suwon oppa!!!! :) it's /finally/ here!

...why does noh hong-chul have that yellow name tag?
>.>;; as if I'm not bugged enough about the mere /existence/ of noh on that show.

anyways. Doesn't matter /what/ they're doing on that show tomorrow as long as there's a lot to watch on it. Unfortunately Monday night at 11 is my 'prime time', which pretty much means yes, I won't be able to watch it. Maybe I can watch like ten minutes on my phone. I'll get it in any way I can, but I'll pretty much have to depend on other people to update me. Maybe on the weekend (next weekend) I can watch reruns on the internet. Thinking of some sort of way to watch it. I just like them being together, I'm going to watch it any way I can.

I wish I had a picture. Know anywhere I can pull one off? I don't even feel guilty about that sort of stuff anymore. xD worry me.

I love these two people being together. JW/SW couple forever!!! hahaha.

Friday, June 12, 2009

couple. then & now

I think of this song a lot. I don't know why, I just like it a lot (obviously, being a 6kies song and all). Anyways, just wanted to post b/c it's how I'm feeling today. :)

just random thoughts that I have all the time, but no matter what, once you leave canada the first thing you start missing - and the thing you miss most often - is tim horton's. there are dunkin donuts in Korea, but dunkin is nothing compared to timmy's. just a thought. because, yeah, I do have a caffeine addiction (strangely enough, though, caffeine makes me sleepy).

Saturday, June 6, 2009


happy 31st (32nd?) birthday <3
(about the age, actually, he's 31 in the west, and I thought birthdays only affect your age in the west, so why not? lol) okay, keeping this short:
I miss the jiwon of the picture up there. nothing else, just that chin&neck. sigh, but I'm still a supporter. As long as he gives us our albums. Actually no, even if he doesn't release albums, it's enough to me that he exists, and that at one point in the past he had been a musician. *sadsmile*
I can't hide that I do have a personal preference for jiwon oppa. Which would make the state of today's jiwon a lot sadder for me, but he still has a lot of supporters/fans, and the public thinks of him as a very...approachable...character now. There are still people around me that, when I mention I'm a sechskies fan and an eun jiwon fan, are quite open about it and often just say "he's not bad, I like him too". Which I know they don't put a lot of thought into (most people just say so just to keep the conversation up. Obviously in real life I'm not much of a conversationist with people who I feel share nothing in common with me), but it still makes me feel like I'm not totally living in the past.
So anyways, I'm happy for him and the 'new' popularity he gets as eun choding or whatever. But deep inside, of course I'm a fan of the musician eun ji won of sechs kies. It's enough anyways that he exists, and that he is healthy and happy, because that is the least he should get in return for all the happiness that he has given us.
just random ramblings on his birthday. Tomorrow, June 8th, and I will probably have to start studying for exams.

I had found a lot of videos on youtube to post, but i don't feel like them anymore. Too much time in front of the desk is making me extremely tired. later.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I hate talking too much about personal stuff, but really if I just keep everything bottled up it'll either explode on me all at once or leak little by little on days like today. Sigh.

I never back up my files and I just format my pc anytime I feel like it, so I have nothing on this computer (on top of everything it's not even mine). I wish I had some pictures to upload, maybe that would make me feel a little more energetic.

jiwon oppa's birthday on the 8th. the school is making us all go volunteering on that day, which I'm not interested in, but I don't have any excuse to say I'm not going (I couldn't be like "it's jiwon's birthday", xd). Oh well. It'll end quickly, it's always that way with school stuff.

oppa! today being June 6th, a fifth of June has passed and there hasn't been a /word/ about that album. I don't honestly care what you do, just give us our albums! (and I'm like, wait, why are they /our/ albums? aren't they oppa's? xD)


after thinking for nearly five minutes about whether I should take this to xanga or blogger, i decided on blogger. <3
I have so many things to do atm, and today I was just weak and energy-less all day from the morning on. couldn't pay attention at /all/ during class, kept sighing for no reason. Actually I think it's not all because of jaejin oppa, but just,,,everything is coming on me for no reason.
there are people around me who are fans of active musicians, who just have everything easy. but me - even though I feel like my existence as a fan is seriously denied of me, I wouldn't give this up for anything.
so to put it short. I have a million things to do right now and I have no willingness to do anything at all. Just sort of blank and tired all day for no reason (is there a reason? okay, yes). When will this end? When will I be able to go back to my normal life?
I tried to get all my stuff done first, but I couldn't. I couldn't think straight and I figured the only way to fix the problem would be to get some rest. ugh.
Jaejin oppa. we're on your side. pray for the best.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Missing Lynx Korean Dubbing - eun jiwon

I wanted to post some sechskies stuff before this recent stuff, but I thought if I didn't post right away I'd probably forget. here you go. Opens in june, but I have exams then, so I'd probably have to go in the beginning of july. I'd go just to hear his voice in loud speakers. <3