Sunday, May 31, 2009


(i actually thought it would be cooler to make the first post on june 8th, but i probably won't have time then)
I don't actually plan on making this just a site for fanstuff. That would be too hard for me as of now, life being the way it is and me being the way I am. However, I have been blogging for a while somewhere else and just for the sake of interaction (?) I decided I should move my stuff here. I can post stuff when I feel like it, or whenever I find something good, but I don't have the means to say I'll just be posting about stuff like that. translating, clips, pictures, music, etc.
so, disclaimer- this is a space for my stuff, my stuff only, personal obsessions and stuff away from my real life. here I go. nothing special, I can't say I'll be devoted only to fanstuff, but it's what takes up a good part of my life anyways so yeah.

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